Sign up for one class or the whole series by clicking the donation button above. A donation of $10 per class is appreciated, but more important is that you learn to live in an efficient nervous system.
Layman Track
Nerve Touch-Self Care (online-free/donation)
Nerve Touch-Move Your Own Absent Space (long class online or in person)
Rub Spine- how to touch for and work with spinal neural signaling (in person only)
Professional Track (Layman may continue on)
All listed above under Layman Track
Cranial In Motion- how to move the cranial bones in pairs and with neural stimulus
Moving Mouth Space-how to work with the teeth individually and as groups
A bodywork professional may request by email to take these classes without the prerequisite classes above
Neural Palpation Therapist- To receive a certification in Neural Palaption; one must complete all four classes and complete one online option.
Neural Palpation Specialist- Must complete all four courses, take four advanced training (only offered to people who take all four classes), attend 3 online series and teach 3 online series. Complete 25 hours of personal instruction, reflection and development with course administrator.
Neural Palpation is a modality that grows in understanding and depth over time. We hope you consider joining in on the Layman Classes and if you are a professional... we hope you consider learning the language of deep neural release!
Be well and smile often!
As of now, all of our in person classes have been canceled due to the Covid-19 outbreak. As a manual modality, we are diligently working on...
Be well and smile often!
The basic class for ICH therapist. It covers the involvement of the endocrine system within the neurology of chronic pain. We talk about how to disassociate emotional and mental pain from physical pain. We learn to manually move and adjust the foramens of the skull and spine.
A detailed class on how to work with the spine manually and in motion. We learn a hold that 'melds.' We study how the spine should shift and move in Gait/walking. We work directly with the spine to learn neurological deep touch from the sacrum through the occiput (bum to head). We give therapist confidence in touching the spine and combining it successfully with what they know.
After years working within the mouth, many therapists ask for a class in mouth motion. This is a anatomy heavy, therapist driven class. We focus on mouth motion, jaw opening, jaw connection to neck and hyoid and mouth connection to the occiput and parietal and temporal bones. This is a hands on class. Occipital release will be covered again, but basic knowledge of occipital release is required.
Come to this one hour class for teacher tricks to keep chronic pain at bay. Taught only in Sonora, CA this class is designed for those of limited motion and those who deal with chronic pain. We learn ICH self help techniques for home and cover nutritional advice to help with chronic pain.
How does each bone in the skull move? How do we move them in pairs? How do we move them while melding the spine? How do we meld the spine?
This class is all about how the skull moves in relation to the body and within space itself.
Over the years, schools, instructors and other therapist have asked Carolynn to teach classes on EHS, emotional balancing, mental awareness, meditation and nutritional advice. Her skill sets vary and asking her to set up a unique class for your facility is welcomed. She likes a challenge that new classes provide:)
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